Before moving forward with a GPRA intake interview, GPRA collectors need to check that clients are eligible for SOS-funded services. To be eligible for SOS-funded services, clients must have at least one of the following during their lifetime:
- A history of opioid use disorder (OUD) or history of opioid use/misuse
- A history of stimulant use disorder or history of stimulant use/misuse
- A history of opiate-related overdose
To participate in data collection, eligible clients must consent to complete the interview(s) and share their data with the grant evaluator, Government Resource Center (GRC). If a client does not consent to participate in data collection, they are still eligible to receive SOS-funded services. In this case, please enter a “service only” intake in iPortal. Consent must be completed for all new clients and existing clients who have not previously consented to SOS data collection.
To obtain consent, providers may either obtain verbal consent with documentation of consent (ex. Email, text, or signed consent at a later date) or have clients sign the consent form. There are two versions of the SOS Consent Form: a Paper-Pen PDF Version and a Fillable PDF Version. You will need to confirm that consent has been obtained when entering the client data into the iPortal SOR SOS Application. Consent forms must be recorded and saved with service providers. A client can refuse to participate in a GPRA interview. However, the collector should make every attempt to engage the client to encourage the client’s participation.