SOS-funded providers are required to complete GPRA 6-month follow-up interviews to meet federal funding requirements. SAMHSA requires a minimum follow-up rate of 80%, meaning that at least 80% of all intake interviews should be followed up by a 6-month interview. The 6-month follow-up interview is an opportunity to measure the impact of SOS 3.0 & 4.0 funded services on client outcomes.
The GPRA follow-up interview is conducted 5-8 months after the intake interview. You can think of it as one month before, and two months after the six-month anniversary date of the intake interview. For example, if an intake interview is completed on January 1, 2024, the follow-up window opens June 1 and closes September 1. The six-month anniversary date is June 1 in this example. Interviews must be completed within the GPRA follow-up window to count toward the GPRA follow-up rate.
Step 1. Begin follow-up outreach as soon as the intake interview ends (see Staying in Touch document)
- At every contact point following the intake interview, make sure to update the client contact information in the locator form and check in with the client to remind them of the 6-month interview
- Prepare by monitoring client follow-up windows and beginning outreach before the follow-up window opens.
- Use outreach strategies such as setting up appointments for interviews with clients, sending reminder cards before the follow-up opens, and making phone calls as often as possible during various times of the day and week
- Remind clients of $30 gift card incentives at every contact and outreach point
Step 2. Ensure consent is on file
Step 3. Complete locator form to receive gift card
- Ensure locator form reflects client preference of how they would like to receive their $30 gift card
Step 4. Administer CSAT GPRA follow-up interview
- Complete sections B-G and I of the CSAT GPRA tool
- Use the SAMHSA QxQ and FAQs documents to guide administration of the interview
Step 5. Upload GPRA follow-up interview and locator form data to OhioMHAS iPortal SOR SOS Application
- Log in to the iPortal SOR SOS Application with your OH|ID (How-to guide)
- Find iPortal Patient ID using home page or search function, and click to add follow-up GPRA
- Enter GPRA interview data
- Update locator form data