SOS Quarterly Reporting

SOS Reporting Instruments:

  • The SOR/TOR Survey is an instrument that collects information on prevention, education, and harm reduction services conducted by SOS agencies funded wholly or in part by SOS 3.0 & 4.0 grants. The instrument collects the following: 1) Naloxone overdose kits purchased and distributed; 2) Overdose reversal; 3) Fentanyl test strips purchased and distributed; 4) Education of school-aged children, first responders, and key community sectors on opioid and/or stimulant misuse; and 5) Outreach activities that target underserved and/or diverse populations.
  • The Non-GPRA Survey is intended for SOS-funded providers who utilize funding to deliver prevention projects that do not meet the requirement to complete the CSAT GPRA tool. This survey is fielded every quarter but is only filled out by a specific sub-set of grantees. The Non-GPRA Reporting Tool collects National Outcomes Measures, demographics, and program-specific information including goals and outcomes where GPRA is not applicable. Grantees complete a Non-GPRA Reporting Tool survey quarterly for prevention projects they implement with SOS funding.
  • The Mid-Year/End-of-Year Performance Progress Report is an instrument that SOS funded providers fill out twice annually to report on accomplishments, challenges, and impact stories.  This survey is an opportunity for grantees to uplift their program and share the impact that agencies are making in the lives of those served by SOS funds, as well as any difficulties that may have challenged the program during the grant year.

These SOS 3.0 & 4.0 Reporting Instruments are conducted by the GRC and sent together in one survey link to the field on a quarterly basis. The SOR/TOR and non-GPRA surveys are both conducted quarterly and the PPR survey is conducted at the end of the second and fourth quarter.

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